
At Mt. Rose, we are driven by our core values to create an authentic, fun, and locally-minded resort where our dedication to our guests and employees rises above all else. We are fiercely independent in both spirit and ownership, and we strive to make decisions that are true to our community. Here, we rise to the elevation, we ski the difference, and we are where the snow is.


PILLARS At the core of Mt. Rose is a brand centered around community, authenticity, and genuine commitment to quality, throughout customer service, diversity of terrain, and overall experience. The following brand pillars are what uphold the brand, what make the resort stand out among competitors, and what ring true for loyal customers as well as new visitors—they are ideas that resonate and concepts that are consistent.


At Mt. Rose, we set ourselves apart from our competitors by embracing and improving upon what we do best: providing consistent and diverse terrain, affordable local access, and a friendly, genuine team that gets the job done with a smile—all at a base elevation above the rest. The mountain stokes nostalgia, encouraging our visitors— day pass, season pass, vacationers—to make authentic memories, embrace the carefree, friendly vibe, and enjoy skiing in its true form. Here at Mt. Rose, we’re not trying to be something we’re not, a beloved trait that is becoming rare amongst high-profile ski resorts.

Our values run deep, as does our commitment to them. We strive to be a place and a community where everyone can play in harmony with the mountains— to discover their own lines, rip some pow, and relish the day with friends and family. From Timbers to The Chutes and everywhere in between, we’re an independent mountain with big terrain and an even bigger hometown charm.